Well, I have officially joined the workforce and am finally contributing to society!! I have just recently started a job working as a teller at State Bank Of Southern Utah! (And no, my Dad had nothing to do with me getting the job!!) I work at the south main office full time and I am liking it so far. There is ALOT of things to learn and to get used to, but things are finally starting to click and I am feeling alot more comfortable with things. I get to work at the drive through window, and I really like it because you get to send things to people through tubes... ahhaha.. I work with some really fun people so that always helps too.. I have been trained on what to do if i get robbed, how to identify counterfit checks/money, and many other scary things.. It is so crazy.. I handle and touch so much money everyday.. I always think, "This money could change my life, and all it is is paper with numbers on it!" ANYWAYS, overall its great EXCEPT for the fact that Lance and his family went on a really fun river raft vacation and I couldn't go because I had to work!!! :( So, that has definately been a downer.. Hopefully I can go next time..
Congrats on the job Anne! I would never rob a bank if you were the teller. Who could mess with those muscles?
Glad the job is going well...and sorry about missing the trip. I am wishing I was there too.
Oh the life of a working woman! You gotta love it! Except for I don't love it because I feel like I never see you anymore. But I'm happy you got a job Anne.
Hey Anne I know this is old news, but congrats on the job. Thats awesome. You need to post a picture of your cake too. I just added you guys to my blog list so we are officially blogging friends. Janelle
I'm glad you like being a teller. I was a teller for a year and HATED it. Our branch was so busy so sometimes I'd have like 500 transactions a day. Plus it was always nice when customers got pissed at me because they couldn't balance their own check books or learn how to get an online account. Oh I could go on and on! I hope you keep liking it. I think it would have been different for me if I'd liked my boss!
Even though I haven't worked there in a year I still get wierded out when I see change lying around the house. I think, "Who's money is that, why is it out, someone's not going to balance tonight!"
This was a long comment...Sorry ;)
PS I made our blog private and I can't remember if I ever got your email address or not. So if you ever do happen to look at this and you can't see our blog you can email me at andreamhamlin@hotmail.com and I'll invite you.
Hey It was good to see you the other day I miss you! and I saw those pictures of Kenzie's cake I love Anne! you are amazing!
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